Hosted in a public Maven repository created as a part of Google code project. 在公共Maven存储库中托管,作为Google代码项目的一部分创建。
A specific public function in the code is never actually called 代码中一个特定公共功能实际上从来不被调用
As for the public methods in our BookSearch class, the code for these methods is as follows 与BookSearch类中的公共方法类似,这些方法的代码如下
WFNM is distributed under the Lesser GNU Public License, and binaries containing WFNM code can thus be used in any commercial Web application. WFNM是在LesserGNUPublicLicense下发布的,因此包含WFNM代码的二进制文件可以在任何商业Web应用程序中使用。
Add the public properties shown in the following code example to the class. 将下面的代码示例中显示的公共属性添加到类。
The bill introduces several basic public health safeguards into the country's intellectual property code. 此外,法案还将数个保障基本公共健康的措施引入国家知识产权规条中。
In the event registered share certificates are stolen, lost or destroyed, the shareholder may, pursuant to the procedures for public invitation to assert claims contained in the code of civil procedure, request the people's court to declare the share certificates invalid. 记名股票被盗,遗失或者灭失,股东可以依照民事诉讼法规定的公示催告程序,请求人民法院宣告该股票失效。
The Relationship between the public service code of ethics and the party style and clean government 论公共服务伦理规范与党风廉政建设的关系
Implement public properties or methods in your application code that your script code will use. 在应用程序代码中实现脚本代码将使用的公共属性或方法。
-A public or private function in a code module of the current form or report -当前表单或报表的代码模块中的公用或私有函数
TO AMEND TITLE I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of1974, Title XXVII of the public health service act, and the internal revenue code of1986to extend by one year provisions requiring parity in the application of certain limits to mental health benefits. 修正一九七四年员工退休所得安全法第1编、公共健康服务法第27编,及一九八六年国内税收法典以延长一年有关心理健康福利特定限制之同等适用。
This is an open source project under the Microsoft Public License; the links to source code are available via CodePlex. 这是一个基于微软公共许可协议(MPL,MicrosoftPublicLicense)的开源项目,可以在CodePlex获取它的源代码。
This paper gives new random coding algorithm and new random public key code algorithm. 提出了一种随机编码算法,以及一个公开密钥编码算法。
Although the reservation clause of order public is already available in the draft Code of Civil Law of China, it is subject to further amendments in accordance with the actual practice of legislation and jurisdiction. 我国《民法典(草案)》虽然确定了公共秩序保留制度,但在立法上和司法实践中还有待进一步完善。
Reusable class is a concrete realization of software code reuse, it is a concept which is put forward according to the software reuse principle and object-oriented technology, which is a valid method about encapsulating the public operation to carry out code reuse. 可复用类是软件代码复用的一个具体实现,它是根据软件复用原理、面向对象技术来建立的,是封装公共操作实现代码复用的一种有效方法。
Some Ideas about the Provisions of Public Order in the Chinese Civil Code 对民法典中公共秩序保留条款的立法思考
A pilot protection scheme for feeders among multi circuit breakers in distribution network is proposed, in which the communication among protection devices adopts the communication model based on public mobile code division multiple access ( CDMA) system. 提出了一种配电网馈电线路的多断路器间纵联保护方案,在该方案中保护设备之间的通信采用了以公用移动CDMA系统为基础的通信模型。
This text is begin from analyze the modern logistics concept development to commence, announce to public the bar code technique in the important position of the logistics and announce the technical request. 本文从剖析现代物流概念发展入手,揭示条码技术在物流行业的重要地位并且揭示现代物流业对识别技术的要求。
This paper presents the user with key production algorithm of the two kinds of management systems and the realization process of secret communication protocol between users. A theoretic analysis is made on the security of public key code. 本文给出了两种管理系统下的用户密钥生成算法以及用户间秘密通信协议的实现过程,并且对公开密钥码的安全性进行了理论分析。
A Public-Key Code System on RSA 基于RSA的公钥密码系统
To correctly identify malpractice crime and perfect law construction of malpractice, this paper discusses the criminal characteristics of malpractice crime and its components, which is just listed into public health crime in current criminal code. 为了正确认定医疗事故罪,完善医疗事故法制建设。文章对现行刑法典危害公共卫生罪中列入医疗事故罪这一新罪名的犯罪特征与犯罪构成要件进行探讨。
The constitution of joining the public fixed code and the flexible code specially used in a certain department is adopted in this system, which has not only satisfied the requirement of memorizing multi-information but also avoided the over-length of code bits. 该编码系统采用了我院研究的公用固定码及部门专用柔性码相结合的结构,它既满足了多信息的储存,又避免了码位过多过长的缺点。
The country issued the file and required the key city of national environmental protection to develop the activity of establishing ecological urban area progressively, train the public's good code of ethic of environmental ethics, promote the forming of the good social morals. 国家颁布文件要求全国环境保护重点城市要逐步开展创建生态城区活动,培养公众良好的环境伦理道德规范,促进良好社会风尚的形成。
In order to solve public problems and achieve public interests, the public authorities formulate and implement the code of conduct and action plan, we call it public policy. 公共政策是公共权力机关为解决公共问题、实现公共利益而制定和执行的行为准则和行动方案。
The system makes full use of the principle of public key, message digest and permutation code accomplished rapidly data encryption and data transmission, digital signature. 应用这种安全算法的网络数据传输系统利用公钥密码体制的原理、消息摘要和排列码加密算法的思想,构造了一种能够实现数据快速加密、快速传输、并具有数字签名功能的安全传输系统。
In order to overcome this problem, put forward the public part of the C language code, and make it as a general R-Boot code. It can be used in different types of micro controller and does not need to modify this general R-Boot code. 本文为了克服这一实际应用时面临的问题,提出了将公共协议部分的C语言代码设计成为通用的R-Boot代码,即使应用在不同类型单片机上也不要需要对部分代码作修改。
In C-E translation of public signs, while the translator is choosing code, style and even text structure, his/ her linguistic choices are bound to be affected by cognitive, social and cultural elements outside the language. 在公示语汉英翻译中,译者一方面要进行语码、语体乃至篇章结构(即语言内部因素)的选择,同时,他/她的语言选择还受认知、社会、文化等诸多语言外部因素的制约。
Restriction of dangerous driving in our country contains administrative penalty and traffic accident crime, crime of endangering public security in the penal code. 我国关于危险驾驶造成事故的规制主要包括行政处罚和《刑法》中交通肇事罪、以危险方法危害公共安全罪。
Professional ethics of public relations is public relations staff in the public relations practice that should be followed for the regulation of social organization associated with the public relations code of conduct and guidelines for the sum of the working environment in a particular form of moral code specifications. 公共关系职业道德是是指公关工作人员在公共关系实践活动中应当遵循的用以调节社会组织与其相关公众关系的行为规范和准则的总和,是在特定的工作环境中形成的道德准则规范。
The core of RFID public service information network is RFID code resolution service system. As a kind of public resource, RFID code resolution service system needs to tolerant a large amount of concurrent client accesses in high-speed network, which greatly challenges the system performance. RFID公共服务信息网络的核心是RFID编码解析系统,作为一种公共资源,RFID编码解析系统需要接受高速网络中大量客户的并发访问,对系统的性能提出了极大挑战。